Kouhun (1)Full unit name: Kouhun (Creature)
Last updated: 01.07.2023 20:58:24
Basic info
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
Included into
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray)
Kouhuns were vermiform arthropods with segmented bodies, roughly thirty centimeters long, from the jungle world of Indoumodo. Small, silent, and fast, kouhuns were capable of delivering a fatal and quick-acting neurotoxin through their bite, as well as a nonfatal but nonetheless painful sting from their tails. Kouhuns were white in color, though they also existed in reddish-brown and black varieties. Kouhuns could survive in almost any environment except extreme cold. On their homeworld, they nested in hollow trees and hunted creatures the size of dogs. Though omnivorous, kouhuns were predatory, detecting their prey by its body heat and then attacking it, often choosing between prey simply on the basis of which victim was closest. They were aggressive creatures, but could be scared away by attackers, though they turned to fight when cornered. Because of their many advantages for covert killings, kouhuns were a favored weapon of assassins. They would be starved so that they would attack immediately upon being released, then infiltrated into a victim's home via a droid, package, or even by slipping through tight spaces such as open windows or ducts.


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Full unit name: Kouhun (Creature) Last updated: 01.07.2023 20:58:24